Practical Chinese Reader - Vol 1

Lesson 1: Nǐ hǎo! 你好!
Lesson 2: Nǐ hǎo ma? 你好吗?
Lesson 3: Nǐ máng ma? 你忙吗?
Lesson 4: Zhè shì wǒ péngyou 这是我朋友
Lesson 5: Nǐ Māma Shì Dàifu ma? 你妈妈是大夫吗?
Lesson 6: Tā shì nǎ guó rén? 他是哪国人?
Lesson 7: Zhè shì shénme dìtú? 这是什么地图?
Lesson 8: Qǐng hē chá 请喝茶
Lesson 9: Nín Guì Xìng 您贵姓?
Lesson 10: Tā Zhù Duōshǎo Hào 她住多少号?

Read online from google books:
Practical Chinese Reader - Vol 1 - Lesson 1-20
Practical Chinese Reader - Vol 1 - Lesson 21-30

Chinese Reader I & II Vocabulary;Pinyin wise Compiled by:Aqar Imran Aslam

Living Language Ultimate Mandarin Chinese Learn at Home CD1 Study compiled by Tal

Chinese Reader Vocabulary T

he, him
she, her
他们 tā men they, them
他们 tā men they
tài too, too much
太太 tài tai Mrs., Madame
tán to talk, to chat
tán to talk
tāng soup
tào (a measure word,
a set of something)
to kick
体育场 tǐ yù chǎng stadium
tiān day
tiáo (a measure word
for ribbon)
跳舞 tiào wǔ to dance
tíng to stop,
to come to a stop
tīng to listen
同学 tóng xué classmate, schoolmate
同志 tóng zhì comrade
图书馆 tú shū guǎn library


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