Practical Chinese Reader - Vol 1

Lesson 1: Nǐ hǎo! 你好!
Lesson 2: Nǐ hǎo ma? 你好吗?
Lesson 3: Nǐ máng ma? 你忙吗?
Lesson 4: Zhè shì wǒ péngyou 这是我朋友
Lesson 5: Nǐ Māma Shì Dàifu ma? 你妈妈是大夫吗?
Lesson 6: Tā shì nǎ guó rén? 他是哪国人?
Lesson 7: Zhè shì shénme dìtú? 这是什么地图?
Lesson 8: Qǐng hē chá 请喝茶
Lesson 9: Nín Guì Xìng 您贵姓?
Lesson 10: Tā Zhù Duōshǎo Hào 她住多少号?

Read online from google books:
Practical Chinese Reader - Vol 1 - Lesson 1-20
Practical Chinese Reader - Vol 1 - Lesson 21-30

Chinese Reader I & II Vocabulary;Pinyin wise Compiled by:Aqar Imran Aslam

Living Language Ultimate Mandarin Chinese Learn at Home CD1 Study compiled by Tal

Chinese Reader Vocabulary X

喜欢 xǐ huan to like, to be fond of
吸烟 xī yān to smoke
洗澡 xǐ zǎo to take a bath
洗澡间 xǐ zǎo jiān bathroom
下班 xià bān to come or go off work
下边 xià biān bottom, below,
下课 xià kè class is over,
class is dismissed
夏天 xià tiān summer
下午 xià wǔ afternoon
现代 xiàn dài modern
先生 xiān sheng Mr., sir,
先生 xiān sheng Mr., sir, gentleman
现在 xiàn zài now, nowadays
xiàng to be like, to resemble,
to take after
xiǎng to want, to think, to miss
香槟酒 xiāng bīn jiǔ champagne
香蕉 xiāng jiāo banana
箱子 xiāng zi suitcase
xiào to laugh, to smile
xiǎo little, small
小姐 xiǎo jie miss
小姐 xiǎo jie miss, young lady
小说 xiǎo shuō novel
小学生 xiǎo xué shēng pupil, schoolboy,
xié shoes
xiě to write
xiē (a measure word), some
谢谢 xiè xie to thank
xìn letter
xīn new
xīn heart, mind
新年 xīn nián New Year
新闻 xīn wén news
xìng (one's) surname is,
行李 xíng li luggage
星期 xīng qī week
星期日 xīng qī rì Sunday
休息 xiū xi to rest, to take a rest
xué to study, to learn
学生 xué sheng student
学习 xué xí to study, to learn
学院 xué yuàn college, institute


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